Moderator | Hussain Global Chair/Scholar
Sheikh Vinay Khetia holds a Ph.D. from McMaster University in Religious Studies where he wrote his dissertation on exploring the history and philosophy of Twelver Shi’i liturgy (du’a and ziyarat literature). We are truly honoured and humbled to have Sheikh Vinay lead this conference. His guidance has tremendously helped in shaping our mission. Sheikh Vinay obtained his MA in History and Philosophy of Religion at Concordia University. Along with this, he has been engaged in traditional seminary studies over the past 18 years. He has a particular interest in Twelver Shi’ism as is currently working on multiple projects dealing with classical and medieval Islamic intellectual history with a focus on the literary oeuvre of Shaykh al-Mufid (d.1022C.E.). He is heavily engaged in grassroots Islamic and religious education, and interfaith work, and is often invited to speak at various events and academic institutions around the world. Dr. Khetia has also published on Islamic law and exegesis.