Hussain Global 2022

The Hussain Global conference brings academic analysis to a series of subjects emerging out of Karbala. The objective is to encourage researchers and academics to share an interdisciplinary lens and engage with each other and the wider public on their respective subjects. For those fluent in the narrative of Karbala, the conference presents an opportunity to reflect on Karbala differently – and for those who are new to this field, our exploratory approach will encourage opportunities for further reflection and engagement. We encourage innovative thinking and believe (event of) Karbala to be a seminal occasion in the advancement of critical thinking. From economics to information technology, theology, mysticism, psychology to human resources, math to the fine arts, Karbala, through the wisdom of Hussain has a lesson to share.


Event Details
  • Quran

    Surah Isra Ayat 33 & Surah Infitar Ayat 6

    September 3, 2022 09:00 - 09:08 AM
  • September 3, 2022 09:08 - 09:54 AM
  • The Art of Karbala

    We are surrounded by signs of God. Art represents symbols and signs that evoke the heart to see and feel that words fail to convey. Art representing Imam Hussain, therefore, becomes a means to connecting to the Divine through Imam Hussain- a divine symbol of love and truth.

    September 3, 2022 09:54 - 10:35 AM
  • VR, AR & the Karbala Metaverse

    The release of VR Karbala ushered in a new model of experiencing the events of Karbala. While VR

    The release of VR Karbala ushered in a new model of experiencing the events of Karbala. While VR Karbala evoked a significant emotional response, i t advanced the conversation on how effective VR, AR and gamified deliver y can shape the Karbala narrative. The objective here is not only to evaluate the effectiveness of these new technologies but also to determine the support structures and training required to continue to scale them. The time is not far off where a conversation about an Imambargah or Hussainiya in the Metaverse will emerge. The Shia diaspora is spread globally, and with the rising costs of living, we are witnessing a movement of Shia families into rural, remote communities with limited to no physical centres to access. What will the virtual Imambargah look like going into the future, and what are the core activities we need to initiate to support the global Shia community?

    September 3, 2022 10:35 - 11:26 AM
  • Mourning as a Political Parlance

    The inspirational ethos of Karbala to stand up against oppression remains undoubted. However, how do eulogies and self-flagellation impact the political milieu? This panel studies poems such as Agha Shahid Ali’s Muharram in Srinagar and discusses their impact on political reasoning. While a tricky question, this panel discusses the role of mourning ceremonies in disrupting political hegemonies and offering new rationales.

    September 3, 2022 11:26 - 11:59 AM
  • Social Media & the #Hussain Movement

    Campaigns such as #whoisHussain have opened up a necessary conversation around the role of social media in generating awareness around Karbala. New Media theorists caution against the use of social media for the sake of production alone – instead, given the hermeneutics involved, we are advised to analyze engagement. How can social media b e used to effectively further the conversation? Is there a need to coach the next cohort of Hussaini influencers?

    September 3, 2022 11:59 - 01:02 PM
  • Break
    September 3, 2022 01:02 - 01:30 PM
  • Neuroscience of Azadari: How Azadari Has Shaped Our Brains

    Our brain is now trained to recapitulate the events of Karbala by activating some specific networks that promote empathy, a sense of sacrifice, righteousness, courage to stand up to a tyrant and support for the oppressed. It is important to note that the same networks are activated when we recall the attributed names of the Almighty.

    September 3, 2022 01:30 - 02:07 PM
  • Beyond the Partition: How Lahore Shapes Azadari in the Diaspora

    Although the Partition of India and Pakistan is often seen to have created a boundary between the two countries, Azadari rituals have created bridges for sharing and exchange. From the cross-border sharing of eulogies and mourning patterns to the movement of clerics and recitors, Azadari has built a bond between the two countries. In this session, we explore these bonds and examine the impact this has had on relations between the two countries and how that shapes Azadari in diaspora communities.

    September 3, 2022 02:07 - 02:31 PM
  • Fluidity in Commemoration

    The mourning for Karbala takes on radically different versions across cultures. By all definitions, culture provides a design for living, and studies reveal a significant role of culture in how Karbala is mourned – from the “Creolization” of mourning in the Caribbean to the propagation of blood donation drives, the space for Hussaini commemorations is both fluid and contentious. This panel studies how and why culture remains such a key influence in commemoration.

    September 3, 2022 02:31 - 03:29 PM
  • Geomorphology of Najaf & Karbala

    Exploring the study and evolution of landforms that were both directly and indirectly caused by humans over centuries, and in turn, influenced the region’s cultures. In this panel, Aliya speaks about its redesign and technologies that can be used to study the region.

    September 3, 2022 03:29 - 04:10 PM
  • Quran

    Surah shu’ara Ayat 69

    September 4, 2022 09:00 - 09:09 AM
  • Opening Keynote
    September 4, 2022 09:09 - 09:52 AM
  • The Impact of Karbala on Travel & Tourism

    With visitors from across the globe, Karbala generates some of the most significant movements of people into the Middle East. moreover, with some commemoration activities exceeding local capacities, we are interested i n learning how the City of Karbala has been impacted. From new jobs, infrastructure and services to varied levels of travel experiences, how instrumental has Karbala been in impacting Iraq and shaping the fiscal realities of the country?

    September 4, 2022 09:52 - 10:42 AM
  • Assessing Risk and Lady Zainab's Actions Beyond Karbala

    In the 7th Century AD Zainab bint Ali, the granddaughter of the Prophet Muhammad asked her nephew Imam Zain ul Abideen “We do not have our chaddars, and the enemy have set fire to our tents, should we leave them on stay inside”? The question might seem like a strange one to individuals looking at it from today’s perspective. Surely the risk of death from a fire surpasses any other risk?

    September 4, 2022 10:42 - 11:30 AM
  • The Green Pilgrim: A Step Towards Sustainability Arbaeen

    Iraq has witnessed a significant increase in participation in the Arbaeen March, one of the world's largest peaceful gatherings, since 2014. Millions of pilgrims gather each year in the cities of Karbala and Najaf to participate in the march. As a result, tonnes of plastic waste are left behind. In the absence of a reliable solid waste system and political unrest in the war-torn country, The Green Pilgrim movement advocates for the 'plastic-free pilgrimage'. Zahra Ali Syed and Dr. Rebecca Masterson will discuss Islamic environmentalism, our responsibility as pilgrims, and highlight the existing climate change-related threats to Iraq.

    September 4, 2022 11:30 - 12:07 PM
  • September 4, 2022 12:07 - 12:41 PM
  • A Review of Hussaini Poetry

    At the center of commemorative engagements is the use of poetry. Karbala has been narrated through poetry in various languages and these have come to the site of appreciation and contestation. In this topic, we invite a review of poetry's impact and establish a framework to address the controversy, especially the hyper-media-centric edits.

    September 4, 2022 12:41 - 01:44 PM
  • Ashura Worldwide: Assessing Changing Notions of Justice

    European grassroots NGO called Ashura Worldwide, which was launched in Milan in 2014. This NGO has members in 30 cities across Europe. I will examine the change in the notion of Justice, as promoted by members of this NGO. This change is a consequence of the methods they adopt to dialogue with the European citizens.

    September 4, 2022 01:44 - 02:27 PM
  • Ashura: A Motivational Force for Activism

    The story of Imam Hussain and Sayeda Zainab has moved individuals and communities to fight for justice and freedom for centuries. It is a story that touches both the heart and the mind, leaving neither behind. Why has it been such an influential motivational force and what is the significance of its emotional, intellectual, and narrative aspects to the mobilization of activism? This session delves into research about the role of emotions and faith-based narratives and personalities in mobilizing and maintaining activism and suggests novel avenues for exploring the motivational force of Ashura and activism in general.

    September 4, 2022 02:27 - 03:01 PM
  • Space, Time & The Hussaini Movement

    While having Imam Bargahs assigned within homes is a fairly common practice, the pandemic and high inflation has reminded us that these spaces are now a necessity. What are the drivers behind converting homes into Imambargahs, and what does the future hold?

    September 4, 2022 03:01 - 03:55 PM
Event Details